
Requests to deviate from a major requirement using a course that is not automatically allowed or required or requests for ECE course equivalencies for courses taken at other US 4 year universities or study abroad must be approved by a petition process. Students who complete a Circuits or C programming course at a community college or 2 year  institution must take the ECE 15 or 35 Waiver exam to get credit.

  • The department will accept up to two upper division major requirements (core UD courses, Breadth, Depth, or Electives) taken by continuing students at another US 4 year university. Students are allowed up to two ECE Breadth or Depth courses taken through EAP/OAP (study abroad). There is no limit to the amount of electives (Professional or Technical or CSE/ECE Electives or CSE Technical Elective) students can take through EAP/OAP (study abroad).


All parts of the petition form must be completed. Incomplete petitions will delay the process.

1. Log into the Online Petition Tool.

2. Click “[Add new petition]”

3. Select the ECE department and the type of petition.

  • Pre-Approval: used to receive credit from courses NOT YET completed.
  • Course Substitutions: used to receive credit from courses ALREADY completed or for major exceptions.

4. Complete the Petition Request:

  • Choose the course you wish to receive credit for. Be sure to scroll all the way down if you do not see your course. Select “Other” and fill in the course information.
  • Complete the Petition Reason section by copying and pasting the appropriate template from the table below. Fill out each underlined or blank section.

5. Upload PDF files ONLY of supporting documents including the course syllabus, websites, descriptions, or any other documents you wish to have reviewed. Students requesting pre-approval course equivalencies must provide a syllabus from the current academic year. Students requesting course equivalencies for courses already completed must provide a syllabus from the term they were enrolled in the course or the academic year they were enrolled in the course. For example, if you took the course in WI19, a syllabus from FA18, WI19 or SP19 must be submitted.

Petitions without any supporting documentation are considered incomplete and will be returned to the student.

6. Submit the petition.


For deviation from Major Requirements:

For Course Equivalencies:


Substitute ECE ### with ECE ### in the ___________ Depth.


Take ENGR ###  at ______ to satisfy a Technical Elective.


ENGR ###  from the University of ________________, (country if EAP/OAP) to be equivalent to ECE ###.


Indicate your reason(s),  be honest & concise.

***Stating that an ECE Undergraduate Advisor instructed you to submit a petition is not a valid reason.


Received a grade of _____, units=______ .

***Stating that an ECE Undergraduate Advisor instructed you to submit a petition is not a valid reason.



  • Generally, petition review can take up to 1-4 weeks and course equivalency petitions may take 2-4 weeks. Results will be sent to the student through the VAC.
  • There is no guarantee petitions will be approved.
  • The department will accept up to two upper division major requirements (core UD courses, Breadth, Depth, or Electives) taken by continuing students at another 4 year university. Students are allowed up to two ECE Breadth or Depth courses taken through EAP/OAP (study abroad). There is no limit to the amount of electives (Professional or Technical or CSE/ECE Electives or CSE Technical Elective) students can take through EAP/OAP (study abroad).
  • Elective courses taken through study EAP/OAP (study abroad) must be at least 4 units, upper division, taken for a letter grade and passed with a C- or better.
  • Course equivalency petitions for courses taken at community college or 2 year institution, prior to attending UC San Diego, with the following topics will be considered by the department:  Boolean algebra, combination and sequential logic, gates and their implementation in digital circuits OR representation of information, computer organization and design, assembly and microprogramming, current technology in logic design. 
  • Students will not be allowed to replace a Depth course with a non-ECE course.

Have a question about petitions that is not addressed above? Please contact the Staff Undergraduate Advisors through the Virtual Advising Center.

ALL courses used towards major requirements must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a C- or better. Exceptions are Special Studies course (197-199) which are designed to be P/NP.