Undergraduate Course Enrollment Updates

Spring 2025 Updates

Course Enrollment Updates

ECE 5 Lab Sections A01 and A02 on Wed/Fri 12:00-1:50pm will not be open for enrollment.

Students are encouraged to enroll in Lab Section A03 and A04 on Wed/Fri 2:00-3:50pm and if these Lab Sections fill up, we will open Lab Sections A01 and A02. 

ECE 25/35

The ECE 25/35 Lab times will be posted before the start of registration this week. 

ECE 25 Labs will meet every other week on odd weeks, starting in week 1. 

ECE 35 Labs will meet every other week on even weeks, starting in week 2. 

ECE 108

CE majors who were admitted before FA23 have the option to take ECE 108 or can replace this course with a CSE/ECE Elective.  This exception is only allowed for the CE curricuum prior to FA24. Students who switch to the FA24 curriculum must complete ECE 108. Please submit a VAC after you enroll in the replacement course to have your degree audit updated. 

Students admitted from the Capped Major in FA23 and beyond, must take ECE 108.

Students who have taken ECE 165 should not take ECE 108 as these courses are considered equivalent and will duplicate credit. ECE 108 is designed for CE majors and ECE 165 is designed for EE majors. 

ECE 125B

ECE 125B (Esmaili) will be podcasted and attendance in the Lectures will not be required. 
ECE 148 Students who have completed the prerequisites will still need clearance to add.  Please submit your request through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). 
ECE 159 ECE 159 will not be offered in the 2024-25 academic year. Students who are following the Communication Systems depth should replace ECE 159 with ECE 161A. Students in the Communication Systems depth are already instructed to take ECE 161A as a prerequisite for ECE 157A. Please reach out through the VAC to have this course substituted on your degree audit. 
ECE 165/ECE 108

ECE 108 cannot be used to substitute ECE 165 in the EE major.

ECE 165 cannot be used to substitute ECE 108 in the CE major. 

ECE 108 is designed for CE majors and ECE 165 is designed for EE majors. 

CSE 29

(CE Majors Ony)

  • If you have taken CSE 15L in or before SP24 but do not take CSE 30 before Summer Session 2024, then you should plan to take CSE 29 (for 2 units) and CSE 30 in Fall 2024 or later.
  • If you have already completed CSE 15L and CSE 30, you should not take CSE 29.
Graduate Level Courses Undergrads must submit an EASy request to enroll. EASy requests will be approved after ECE Graduate student enrollment is finalized. Please note that undergrads cannot be added to a graduate level course waitlist. Students may not be cleared to add until first day of the quarter, with Professor approval, and space availability in the course.

***Undergraduate students who do not have prerequisites in non-core ECE courses and want to enroll in a specific course, will need faculty approval through the online course pre-authorization system. 

Students who have received faculty approval to enroll in a non-core ECE course without meeting the prerequisite will be cleared to enroll after 2nd pass.  Students who have completed the prerequisites will have priority to enroll first.

Academic Year Updates

Course Update
ECE Course Lab Fees

Students who enroll in the following ECE laboratory courses will be charged a lab fee which will be assessed with registration fees. This laboratory fee will be: $10 for ECE 65, ECE 100, and ECE 163: $20 for ECE 25 and ECE 35: $35 for ECE 136L, ECE 181, ECE 182, ECE 183, ECE 184, ECE 185 and ECE 186L: $40 for ECE 138L: $75 for ECE 16 and ECE 140A: $90 for ECE 144; $100 for ECE 5 and ECE 115: and $120 for ECE 196. Students who drop a lab course before the end of the second week of the quarter are eligible for a refund of the charged lab fee. Students who drop after the second week of the quarter are not eligible for a refund.

ECE 65/100 Students are able to take ECE 65 and 100 concurrently. They must be enrolled in ECE 65 before advisors can clear them. Please submit an EASy request to enroll.
ECE 100/102 Students are able to take ECE 100 and 102 concurrently. They must be enrolled in ECE 100 before advisors can clear them. Please submit an EASy request to enroll.
ECE 101 Effective Spring 2024, open to EC26, EC27, EC28, EC37, and CS25 major codes only.
ECE 108

Continuing CE majors who entered UC San Diego before Fall 2023, can replace ECE 108 with a CSE/ECE Elective. Contact us through the VAC after you enroll in the replacement course and we'll update your degree audit. Students who switched to the CE major in FA23 and after are required to complete ECE 108.

Students who have taken ECE 108 should not take ECE 165 as these courses are considered equivalent and will duplicate credit.

ECE 118 Will not be offered until further notice.
ECE 171A Effective Spring 2024, open to EC26, EC27, EC28, and EC37 major codes only.
ECE 180/188 These courses can be taken multiple times if they are different topics up to 4 times. Certain classes may require prerequisites even if WebReg does not state it. If you enroll in more than one ECE 180 or 188 in the same quarter then you will need to submit an EASy request to add the second ECE 180 or ECE 188.  
ECE 191 In order to be cleared to enroll, students need: all prerequisites of ECE 100 - 109 and 1 depth course with senior standing AND is a graduating senior.

Students without all the prerequisites courses will need to get faculty approval and will be cleared after 2nd pass with space permitting.

ECE 196 ECE 196 counts towards one elective only.
ECE 197 Effective Fall 2016, CE majors may not use ECE 197 towards their technical elective. This will be strictly enforced. EE, EP, EE& Society majors can use ECE 197 towards Professional Electives only.

Graduate Students

EASy requests for undergraduate level courses submitted by ECE Graduate students will be processed and submitted to the instructor starting week 10 of the quarter. We recommend attaching a transcript and providing a justification explaining any relevant course completed to your EASy requests.


Effective Spring 2016, Undergraduate students who do not have prerequisites in non-core ECE courses and want to enroll in a specific course, will need faculty approval through the online course pre-authorization system. 

Students will be cleared Week 10 to allow students who have completed prerequisites to enroll first.

Please NOTE: Getting faculty approval and being cleared to enroll in the course will not guarantee you a spot. If a class is full, please place yourself on the waitlist

Wait List Policy

If a course that you want to enroll in is full, please place yourself on the waitlist. Please note that you cannot waitlist a course during your 1st Pass. Waitlisting is available during the 2nd Pass only. The buttons to ENROLL or WAITLIST will be blacked out. This is normal.

We understand that you need these courses to graduate so please be patient as we work on enlarging enrollment. The Department will do everything we can to accommodate students so please be patient. Waitlist yourself into the class and if seats become available, students will be enrolled in the order they waitlisted. We cannot guarantee that you will get into the course. If you need assistance with an alternate course, stop by during walk in advising hours in Jacobs Hall 2701 or 2702.

***During the enrollment period, it is critical that you check your UCSD email for any updates. This may have an impact on your schedule.***

****If enrollment limits are increased, it takes the system overnight to process this command. Students will be added in the order they are on the waitlist. Please have patience.****