2019 ECE Awards

Group shot of awards

Best Thesis

Bita Darvish Rouhani, “Succinct and Assured Machine Learning: Training and Execution”,

Advisor: Farinaz Koushanfar

Derui Kong, “Adaptive Cancellation of Static and Dynamic Mismatch Error in Continuous-Time DACs”,

Advisor: Ian Galton


UG Research

Brandon Leung

Jackie Villalobos


Best TAs

SP18: Ce (Alex) Zhang

FA18: Spencer Congero

WI19: Forrest Valdez, Michelle Rodriguez 


Best Tutors

Yihan Hu

Noopur Khachane


Best Lecturer Award

Charles Deledalle

Gholamreza Esmaili


Student Service Awards

Nihar Wahal 

Simon Hu, David Tu, Elizabeth Farkas 

Ahnaf Ahmed, Jasmine Chiang 

Angela Xu 

Phuong Truong, Colin Keef

Michael Ostertag, Julian Warchall 


Alumni Awards

Hamna Khan

Luis Pineda