- ECE Deadlines and Announcements
- Planning your coursework
Please use the following resources to guide planning your coursework each quarter.
ECE required coursework by major.
Fall admitted students will follow their new degree planners.
ECE courses are offered in Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. If you see a name in a box, then it means the course is being taught that quarter by that professor. If there is a blank box, then it means that the course is not being offered in that quarter.
Classes from all departments and levels.
How to determine if a class is remote/online, hybrid, or in-person.
Where you add, drop, waitlist, and change grading option for courses.
Lists course descriptions, pre-requisites, and recommended preparation.
Lists "recommended preparation" and "pre-requisites" which are required skills to be successful in the course.
If you have taken a pre-requisite course and earned a B- or higher, then you have met the pre-requisite for the course. You should be able to enroll/waitlist for the course on WebReg directly.
If you have not taken a listed pre-requisite course or took a pre-requisite but earned a C+ or lower, then you must make an EASy request to be cleared of the pre-requisite in order to enroll in the course.
Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)
- When should you make an EASy request
- If you have not taken a listed pre-requisite course,
- If you have taken a pre-requisite but earned a C+ or lower,
- If you are an undergraduate student looking to enroll in a graduate level (200+) course,
- If you are a graduate student looking to enroll in an undergraduate level (5-199) course, or
- If you are looking to take a course in another department
- This varies on each respective department's (e.g., CSE, MAE, Math, etc.) policies. Please refer to their website for more information.
- If you are a Teaching Assistant (TA) looking to enroll in a teaching credit (ECE 501) course.
- Making an EASy request does not guarantee that you will be cleared of a pre-requisite in order to enroll in a course (e.g., ECE 264A-D, ECE 265A-D, ECE 229). See the chart below.
- Please allow up to five (5) business days to process your EASy request.
- You can begin submitting EASy requests every quarter during Week 5 for enrolling in a course the following quarter.
- Over-enrollment Policy
- If your EASy request will place you at more than 16 units (20 units for CE students) enrolled or waitlisted, your EASy request will be rejected.
- You will be asked to drop a class until you are below 12 or 16 (CE students) units. Once you do, you can resubmit your request.
- Enrollment Policy + Over-Enrollment Policy
- ECE graduate students are prioritized for ECE graduate level courses (ECE 200+).
- ECE undergraduate students are prioritized for ECE undergraduate level courses (ECE 5 - 199).
- If you are an ECE graduate student, we prioritize students by class level, major, and waitlist number. If space permits, all other students may be approved to enroll on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are looking to enroll in non-ECE courses, please contact the respective Student Affairs department (e.g., CSE, MAE, COGS, Math).
- Students can begin waitlisting for ECE graduate level courses (ECE 200+) on Monday of Week 8. Once you are waitlisted, the ECE Student Affairs Office will manually clear you for the course assuming you have met the pre-requisite for the course or have cleared the pre-requisite through EASy. Listed recommended preparation and pre-requisites in the course catalog are required skills to be successful in the course.
- If you have not taken a listed pre-requisite course or took a pre-requisite but earned a C+ or lower, then you must make an EASy request to be cleared of the pre-requisite in order to enroll in the course.
- Making an EASy request does not guarantee that you will be cleared of a pre-requisite in order to enroll in a course (e.g., ECE 264A-D, ECE 265A-D, ECE 229). See the chart above.
- Please allow up to five (5) business days to process your EASy request.
- Making an EASy request does not guarantee that you will be cleared of a pre-requisite in order to enroll in a course (e.g., ECE 264A-D, ECE 265A-D, ECE 229). See the chart above.
- Over-enrollment Policy
- Students cannot be enrolled and/or waitlisted in more than 16 units. Any student that exceeds 16 units will get a hold placed on their account, which will prevent enrollment for the next quarter.
- Computer Engineering (EC79) Students are allowed to be enrolled and/or waitlisted in up to 20 units for each quarter, provided that at least 8 of these units are waitlisted CSE courses. Any CE student that exceeds 20 units will get a hold placed on their account, which will prevent enrollment for the next quarter.
- Enrollment Procedure
Once you've done your research and planned your coursework, you can begin to enroll and/or waitlist for courses. See the process below.
- Non-ECE Graduate Student Enrollment Information
- Below is the hierarchy level for prioritization of ECE graduate courses:
- ECE graduate students
- ECE B.S./M.S. students
- ECE B.S. students
- Non-ECE graduate students
- If you would like to enroll in an ECE graduate level course, please submit an EASy request. If space permits, your request will be approved (during week 10) on a first-come, first-serve basis. After it has been approved, you will be able to join the waiting list. If there is space in the class, and based on the level of priority listed above, you will receive an email stating that you have been cleared to enroll in the class.
- You can begin submitting EASy requests every quarter during Week 5 for enrolling in a course the following quarter.
- Your EASy request will be processed during week 10.
- Submitting an EASy request does not guarantee that you will be cleared of a pre-requisite in order to enroll in a course (e.g., ECE 264A-D, ECE 265A-D, ECE 229).
- Below is the hierarchy level for prioritization of ECE graduate courses: