PhD student Sadegh Riazi receives the Fall 2019 Jacobs Graduate Student Council Award

Sadegh Riazi

We are excited to announce that Sadegh Riazi is the recipient of the Fall 2019 Jacobs Graduate Student Council Award. Sadegh is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at UC San Diego, working with Prof. Koushanfar. His research is focused on large-scale secure computation, which enables computation on the encrypted (unintelligible) version of the data. Secure computation creates a zero-trust platform where two or more individuals or organizations can collaboratively compute on their shares of data without revealing their data to other parties. Sadegh’s research outcome has resulted in more than 16 articles in prestigious journals and conferences, including the best paper nomination in ESWEEK 2017 for introducing the world’s first secure content-addressable memory. Three of his papers were selected as the top 0.1% most influential papers in Computer Science in 2018 and 2019. Sadegh and his colleagues have filed two US patents for their invention on oblivious medical diagnosis. Sadegh is the fellow of the Institute for the Global Entrepreneur at UCSD and also the founder of project HEAX at Microsoft Research with the mission to create a new hardware platform for computing on encrypted data.


See the full interview with Sadegh Riazi at:


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