Embrace Healthwear - Job #101002

Embrace Healthwear

Job #101002

Embrace Healthwear is a cloud-based IoT platform and analytics company that provides smart-care solutions to help users improve mobility and independence.

We are seeking a Computational Scientist to assist with tasks that include:

Basic frequency domain analysis

Kinematics/Dead Reckoning

Markov Modeling

Prediction, Classification, and Clustering

You will work with other Computational Scientists who have experience in our particular field; we are excited to bring in new perspectives and insights.

You should be proficient at Matlab, SciPy/Numpy, Octave, R or something of the sort. Ultimately the language is just a tool by which you will prove your algorithms. The programming rigor is secondary; you are a mathematician or physicist that (at the least) can script your solutions.

Slam-Dunk candidates include:

Experience with CUDA

Experience with SQL

Proficiency with Python beyond the scientific Matlab-Like applications

Please send email to ryan@embracetech.co to apply for the position.  With the subject line [ “Name” - Computational Scientist ]

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