Acoustic Filter Technology & Design in Modern Cellphones

Seminar Date(s)
Seminar Location
Jacobs Hall, Room 2512, Jacobs School of Engineering, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, San Diego, California 92093
Seminar Speaker
Perre-Alexandre Girard
Perre-Alexandre Girard

The demand for bandwidth in cellphones is driving the industry toward complex RF front-ends that rely heavily on acoustic filters. The main purpose of this talk is to give an overview of filter technologies (SAW, BAW, temperature-compensated SAW), some basic acoustic design techniques (ladder filter, duplexers and multiplexers) and a sense of what to look for when working with filters. We will try to shed some light on the key specifications and trade-offs for RF filters and how they affect the RF front-end of a phone.

Seminar Speaker Bio
Pierre-Alexandre Girard graduated from the Ecole Centralle de Lille (MS, Physics) and the Université de Valenciennes (MSEE) in 2000 and has been designing acoustic RF filters and modules since then. He started his career in Thomson Microsonics, then worked for Thales, Temex, Sawtek, Triquint, TDK and is now a Director of Engineering for Qualcomm, based in Maitland Florida.
Seminar Contact
Bethany Carson
Phone: 858-822-6347