Why Magnetic Sensing Can Be a Useful New Method for In-Vitro Diagnostics

Seminar Date(s)
Seminar Location
Center for Memory and Recording Research (CMRR) - Jack Keil Wolf Auditorium
Seminar Speaker
Dr. Oliver Hayden, In-Vitro Diagnostics & Bioscience Research Siemens Healthcare, Germany
oliver hayden

Blood is the most important source for routine in-vitro diagnostic information, such as the concentration level of plasma biomarkers and cells. Only in special cases, such as leukemia diagnostics, functional analysis is performed with fluorescence flow cytometry. However, the rich information content of blood cell functions is not routinely available due to the complexity of today's diagnostic workflow.  Furthermore, sample logistics and sample preparation efforts cause imprecision of the test results.  In my presentation, I review the single cell analysis challenges with opaque whole blood as sample matrix and the clinical unmet need for point of care usability.  To demonstrate how cell function diagnostics can be achieved at the point of care, I will discuss my research efforts to integrate microfluidic workflows and giant magnetorestistance sensors. 

Seminar Speaker Bio
Dr. Oliver Hayden is an Austrian scientist who leads the In-Vitro Diagnostics and Bioscience Research at Siemens Healthcare, Germany. Before joining Siemens, he was a visiting scientist at IBM Research, Switzerland, working on post-CMOS technologies. He performed postdoctoral research at Harvard University on nanophotonics with Prof. Charles Lieber. Oliver Hayden received a doctoral degree in biochemistry, working with Prof. Franz Dickert, and a venia docendi for Analytical Chemistry from the University of Vienna on biosensing. In 2007, he declined the Chair for Micro- and Nanotechnology at the University of Edinburgh to pursue his interests on industrial healthcare research, such as organic flat panel X-ray detectors, magnetic cell function testing, and label-free high-throughput cell diagnostics.
Seminar Contact
Cheryle Wills <clwills@ucsd.edu>