- CSE Courses
- Computer Science Engineering (CSE) courses are managed by the CSE Student Affairs Department.
- Each department has their own policies and procedures so please reference their website.
- Please do not contact the CSE Department regarding enrollment and refer to the website links below for information.
- The ECE Department only clears students for ECE courses. ECE is not authorized to approve any pre-authorization EASy
requests that pertain to courses outside of ECE.
- How to enroll in CSE Courses?
- Please do not contact the CSE Department regarding enrollment and refer to the website links below for information.
CSE graduate students will receive first priority for CSE graduate course enrollment.
CSE undergraduate students will receive first priority for CSE undergraduate course enrollment.
Non-CSE majors will be able to enroll if space permits. This might be as late as week 1-2 of the quarter.
All ECE graduate students who would like to attempt to enroll in CSE 3-193 require EASy to be submitted.
ECE graduate students that would like to take CSE 200+ courses, will need to waitlist.
Students who have not met the pre-requisites will need to submit an EASy request before being allowed to waitlist.
EC79 students who would like to take CSE 202, 221 (if they meet the prerequisite), 222B, 224, 237A, 240A, 243A, and 245 need to submit an EASy request and will be given priority after CSE grad students enroll. EC79 students will receive priority for these additional core classes if space permits.
Please be sure to enroll before your enrollment window ends. If your clearance expires, there is no way of reclaiming your seat.
More information can be found on CSE's website. Please be sure to also read the information about CSE graduate course enrollment.