Transfer to the Ph.D. from the M.S.

Transfer to the Ph.D. from the M.S.

Students in the M.S. program wishing to be considered for admission to the Ph.D. program should consult their academic advisor as soon as possible.

Transfer from the M.S. to the Ph.D. program is possible provided that the student fulfills the following requirements:

Faculty Advisor Identification

Identify a faculty member who agrees, in writing, to serve as that student's academic and Ph.D. research advisor. 

Course Requirements

In consultation with the faculty advisor, design and complete a program of course work that satisfies all course requirements and constraints for a Ph.D. discipline appropriate to the student's research. All students in the Ph.D. program are required to satisfy all Ph.D. degree requirements. Should the student not be admitted to the Ph.D. program, this program of course work will serve, with the approval of the academic advisor and the ECE Graduate Affairs Committee, to satisfy the coursework requirements for the M.S. degree.

Students must be in good academic standing and maintain a GPA of 3.0, and must not have accumulated more than a total of eight units of "F" and/or "U" grades overall.

Funding Confirmation

The faculty member must provide 49.99% GSR support, or the equivalent, for a minimum of the first 12 months immediately following the student's transfer to the Ph.D.

Preliminary Exam

Pass the Ph.D. preliminary exam at the level required for continuation in the Ph.D. program. A student failing to pass the Ph.D. preliminary exam at this required level will not be admitted to the Ph.D. program, and will instead continue in the M.S. degree program. 

A student who has fulfilled all of the above requirements should, after passing the departmental Ph.D. preliminary exam, students will work with an ECE Graduate Student Affairs Advisor to obtain the relevant forms for the transfer.

**International students will need to work with ISPO to submit updated I-20 paperwork

ECE M.S. to Ph.D. Transfer Guidelines

ECE M.S. students who are interested in transferring to the ECE Ph.D. program should read and follow the outlined Ph.D. transfer guidelines. If you have any specific questions, please contact Begum Asena