The field of signal and image processing encompasses the theory and practice of algorithms and hardware that convert signals produced by artificial or natural means into a form useful for a specific purpose. The signals might be speech, audio, images, video, sensor data, telemetry, electrocardiograms, or seismic data, among others; possible purposes include transmission, display, storage, interpretation, classification, segmentation, or diagnosis. Faculty members in this field span the areas of digital signal processing, statistical signal processing, image/video compression, analysis & processing, speech processing, music information retrieval and computer audition.
Current research in digital signal processing includes robust and low complexity filter design, signal reconstruction, filter bank theory, and wavelets. In statistical signal processing, faculty interests include adaptive filtering, learning algorithms for neural networks, spectrum estimation and modeling, and sensor array processing with applications in sonar and radar. Image processing work is in restoration, compression, quality evaluation, computer vision, and medical imaging. Speech processing research includes modeling, compression, and recognition. Video compression, analysis,and processing projects include error concealment technique for 3D compressed video, automated and distributed crowd analytics, stereo-to-autostereoscopic 3D video conversion, virtual and augmented reality. Also, faculty members are actively involved in the research and design of special purpose electronic and optoelectronic hardware for efficient implementation of signal, image and video processing algorithms.

Nicholas A. Antipa

Nikolay A. Atanasov

Pamela C. Cosman

Y. Shaya Fainman

Vikash Gilja

Nuria Gonzalez-Prelcic

Robert W. Heath Jr

Florian Meyer

Siavash Mirarab (Mir arabbaygi)

Truong Nguyen

Piya Pal

Rahul Parhi

David D. Sworder

Nuno M. Vasconcelos

Xiaolong Wang

Michael Yip

Kenneth A. Zeger
Adjunct Faculty

Peter Gerstoft

Fredric J. Harris

Mingxiong Huang
Affiliated Faculty

Ravi Ramamoorthi

James R. Zeidler
Emeritus Faculty

Ramesh C. Jain

Bhaskar D. Rao