SRIP Frequently Asked Questions

Program Eligibility

Can I apply to SRIP if I am from a different university?

No, only UCSD ECE students may apply.

Can I apply to SRIP even though I am currently not an ECE student?

No, only ECE students may apply.  

Can Ph.D. students apply for the SRIP program?

No, it is only open to all UCSD ECE undergraduate and M.S. students.

Can I accept employment or enroll in a class while participating in SRIP during the Summer quarter?

No. SRIP is a full-time commitment, and students are expected not to accept any other employment for the duration of the program.

Application Questions

This is my first quarter at UCSD, and I haven't received any grades yet; what transcript should I submit?

You can submit your current UCSD transcript since it will show the in-progress classes you're taking this quarter.

Since this is my first quarter at UCSD, my GPA is 0. Would that negatively affect my application?

No. On the SRIP application, you can also attach a copy of your resume/CV, enter your other qualifications, and mention the courses you will take in the Fall to show your competencies.

Does SRIP provide housing and food allowance to interns?


Can a student apply for different projects from different professors simultaneously?

Yes, you may apply for any four projects.

 Program Requirements

I am an undergraduate student, am I required to participate in the Summer Research Conference?

Yes. The UCSD Undergraduate Research Hub organizes the Summer Research Conference. You will present at the conference in mid-August and send your slides to our office.

Stipend Disbursement and Financial Support

Is there any other financial support we can get, such as a tuition fee waiver?

Research interns will be able to enroll in 2-4 units of ECE 199/298 in the Spring quarter and receive a summer stipend of $5,000, paid in two installments.

How will I receive my stipend?
  • Student Financial Solutions (SFS) will mail a paper check to the current address on TritonLink if the student is not enrolled in direct deposit.

*Undergraduate students: The stipend will be released once applied to any remaining University fees. The stipend will be deposited into the student’s personal account if there are no fees

Will I be considered a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) and have any tuition deduction?

No, but you will receive a summer stipend of $5,000 that will be paid in two installments.

Can I apply for a SSN as a SRIP intern?

No. Participation in the SRIP program does not count as employment with the university. The program can not provide a support/employment letter to apply for a social security number.

Verification Letter

Where can I request a verification letter for my participation in SRIP?

Please contact the project coordinator so that they can provide you with a SRIP Verification Letter.