Program Eligibility
- Can I apply to SRIP if I am from a different university?
No, only UCSD ECE students may apply.
- Can I apply to SRIP even though I am currently not an ECE student?
No, only ECE students may apply.
- Can Ph.D. students apply for the SRIP program?
No, it is only open to all UCSD ECE undergraduate and M.S. students.
- Can I accept employment or enroll in a class while participating in SRIP during the Summer quarter?
No. SRIP is a full-time commitment, and students are expected not to accept any other employment for the duration of the program.
Application Questions
- This is my first quarter at UCSD, and I haven't received any grades yet; what transcript should I submit?
You can submit your current UCSD transcript since it will show the in-progress classes you're taking this quarter.
- Since this is my first quarter at UCSD, my GPA is 0. Would that negatively affect my application?
No. On the SRIP application, you can also attach a copy of your resume/CV, enter your other qualifications, and mention the courses you will take in the Fall to show your competencies.
- Does SRIP provide housing and food allowance to interns?
- Can a student apply for different projects from different professors simultaneously?
Yes, you may apply for any four projects.
Program Requirements
- I am an undergraduate student, am I required to participate in the Summer Research Conference?
Yes. The UCSD Undergraduate Research Hub organizes the Summer Research Conference. You will present at the conference in mid-August and send your slides to our office.
Stipend Disbursement and Financial Support
- Is there any other financial support we can get, such as a tuition fee waiver?
Research interns will be able to enroll in 2-4 units of ECE 199/298 in the Spring quarter and receive a summer stipend of $5,000, paid in two installments.
- How will I receive my stipend?
- Student Financial Solutions (SFS) will mail a paper check to the current address on TritonLink if the student is not enrolled in direct deposit.
*Undergraduate students: The stipend will be released once applied to any remaining University fees. The stipend will be deposited into the student’s personal account if there are no fees
- Will I be considered a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) and have any tuition deduction?
No, but you will receive a summer stipend of $5,000 that will be paid in two installments.
- Can I apply for a SSN as a SRIP intern?
No. Participation in the SRIP program does not count as employment with the university. The program can not provide a support/employment letter to apply for a social security number.
Verification Letter
- Where can I request a verification letter for my participation in SRIP?
Please contact the project coordinator so that they can provide you with a SRIP Verification Letter.