ECE offers three minors in accord with the general university policy that a minor requires five upper-division courses. Students must realize that these upper-division courses have extensive lower-division prerequisites (please consult the ECE undergraduate office). Students should also consult their college provost’s office concerning the rules governing minors and programs of concentration.
The minors consist of 7 courses: 2 lower-division courses and 5 upper-division courses.
Electrical Engineering: Twenty units chosen from the breadth courses: ECE 101, 102, 103, 107, 109
Engineering Physics: Twenty units chosen from the junior year courses: PHYS 110A, 130A, MATH 110, ECE 101, 102, 103, 107, 109
Computer Engineering: Twenty units chosen from the junior year courses: ECE 102, CSE* 100, 101, 105, 120, 140, 140L, 141, 141L
*Keep in mind that the CSE Department strictly enforces their prerequisites.
The department will consider other mixtures of upper-division ECE, CSE, physics, and mathematics courses by petition. Courses used to satisfy minor requirements must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a C- or better.
Click here for information on how upper division courses can overlap between majors and minors.
EFFECTIVE SPRING 2023: Math-CS (MA30) and Data Science (DS25) majors CANNOT minor in Computer Engineering (EC26) in the ECE Department.
- I'm a non-ECE Major and would like to double major in EE, EE&Society or EP. What should I do?
Non-ECE majors need to:
1. Complete screening courses.2. Apply to the Jacobs School of Engineering Capped Major Application during the application period or apply through the Selective Major process starting in summer 2025.
3. If you are admitted to the ECE Department, you can then submit the Double Major Petition forms to the ECE Department.
4. Send the following completed forms to ece-ugadvising@ucsd.edu. Include your PID in the email.
- Sample Completed EE Major Double Major Petition Forms:
- Sample Completed Engineering Physics Double Major Petition
5. Notify the ECE Undergraduate Advisors through the VAC that you have emailed your Double Major Petition forms.
Students should not submit their Double Major Petition forms to both departments at the same time. One department should review your forms before you submit them to the other department.
Keep in mind:
The Capped Major admissions process for the Computer Engineering (EC26) major is closed as of spring 2024. Students will have an opportunity to apply to the Computer Engineering (EC26) major through the Selective Major process starting in summer 2025 after completing screening courses. - I'm a non-CE major and would like to double major in Computer Engineering. What should I do?
Non-CE majors need to:
1. Complete screening courses.
2. Apply to the Selective Major Application between summer and fall quarters in 2025.
3. If admitted, follow the instructions below on how to submit Double Major Petition forms.
*Math-CS (MA30) majors cannot double major in Computer Engineering (EC26).*
- I'm an ECE major. How do I submit the Double Major Petition forms?
Send the following completed forms to ece-ugadvising@ucsd.edu. Include your PID in the email.
- Sample Completed CE Major Double Major Petition Form (effective prior to FA24)
- Sample Completed 2024 CE Major Double Major Petition Form
- Sample Completed EE Major Double Major Petition Forms:
- Sample Completed Engineering Physics Double Major Petition
Students should not submit their Double Major Petition forms to both departments at the same time. One department should review your forms before you submit them to the other department.
- Do I need to complete screening courses if I'm a non-ECE major and would like to double major in EE, EE& Society or EP?
Yes. All non-ECE majors are required to complete screening courses and apply through the Capped Major Application through spring 2025 or through the Selective Major process starting in summer 2025.
- Do I need to complete screening courses if I'm a non-CE major and would like to double major in Computer Engineering?
Yes. All non-CE majors are required to complete screening courses and apply through the Selective Major process starting in summer 2025.
*Math-CS (MA30) majors cannot double major in Computer Engineering (EC26).*
- How do I declare a minor?
Complete an Undergraduate Declaration of Minor using the Major/Minor Tool. For more information, click here.
- Can my classes overlap with both major and minor?
Lower-division classes can apply to both your major and your minor. You can use two upper-division courses that satisfy your major to fulfill your minor requirements. For more information on overlapping classes, read the Academic Senate Policy on minors (section E).
- Can I take minor courses P/NP?
No, minor courses must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a C- or better. In spring quarter 2020 only, courses applying towards minor requirements can be taken PNP.
- Can I major and minor in the same or another engineering department?
No, per Jacobs School of Engineering policy, you cannot minor in the same engineering department or another engineering program. You can minor outside of JSOE.
- I'm a Math-CS or Data Science major. Can I minor in Computer Engineering in the ECE Department?
No, effective spring 2023, Math-CS and Data Science majors CANNOT minor in Computer Engineering in the ECE Department.